3 Types of Cancer To Look Out For Young Women

Sunday, November 6, 2011

3 Types of Cancer To Look Out For Young Women - These cancers including melanoma, thyroid cancer and kidney cancer. Find out how the symptoms of the three cancers, as quoted from the Self.

1. Melanoma. 
Since 1992 recorded an increase of three percent of cases of melanoma type skin cancer in Caucasian women. Symptoms of this cancer is that there is a stain on the skin to change the shape, size or color Or  new skin grows.

Changes that occur briefly during a few days is usually not cancer. However, if there is a change in a month or more, you should consult with a dermatologist.

2. Thyroid Cancer
Three out of four cases of thyroid cancer in women. The number of cases of thyroid cancer has been increasing since the mid-1990s, and more women hit men and women. The most common symptom is a lump in the neck that you or your doctor aware of when performing examinations.

There is also a feeling of tightness in the neck and filled with difficulty breathing or swallowing. Hoarseness and also there is lymph node swelling and pain in the neck or throat that does not go away. The good news, if known from the beginning, thyroid cancer is one type of cancer can be cured.

3. Kidney Cancer 
Since 1975, the number of cases of kidney cancer in women increased by 2.4 percent per year. That's according to data from the American Cancer Society. Unfortunately, the early stages of kidney cancer generally do not have many symptoms.

But, when the cancer gets worse, there will be blood in the urine. Other symptoms are pain or lumps appear in the lower back or abdomen, accompanied by weight loss, fatigue, fever or swelling in the feet and ankles. The number one trigger of kidney cancer is smoking. (From various sources)

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